37 posts
webs was in education for nearly 10 years. she left education and became a software developer. she’s currently a senior product owner at edmentum as well as the founder of studio w on w.
By webs
What does an experience designer (XD) include in a portfolio?
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Discussions are ideal forums for building both community cohesion and affective association. These qualities promote social presence and by extension increase the likelihood of increased engagement. That feeling of being isolated that so many students feel especially in online only spaces can be reduced by using these strategies. These strategies
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D.O.P.E. Playlist Canvas Discussions MRU (Modules Ready to Use) https://shop.theintelligenthoodlums.com/storefront/product/dope-designing-optimal-pedagogical-experiences
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If you're riding the Wordle train you've no doubt shared your results for the day (however proud or disappointed in your performance you might be) on social media. Unfortunately, those results are written with emojis which aren't especially accessible to our friends who use
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How can you build affective association in your virtual classroom to improve the engagement of your students.
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Canvas is complex but it doesn't have to be. By creating the "Strip Mall" version of your modules, users have a one stop shop for all the content and assignment.
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We have had the pleasure over the last year of working with accessibility consultant, Marcy Sutton and Evinced, a company centered on improving the state of accessibility on the internet by offering automated accessibility testing tools that go beyond Google's Lighthouse. We worked with them to produce two